Open to Transformation. New Year, New You.
::::::::::::::: M A N T R A ::::::::::::::
Regardless of my surroundings,
What people say, do, or feel,
I have a core, essential truth,
It’s my destiny to reveal.
::::::::::::::: M A N T R A ::::::::::::::
Leo FULL MOON is rising and there is excitement in the air as this energy is about using our courage to reveal our truest heart.
Leo transits ask us to step more fully into our kingship / queendom. We do this by daring to do whatever it takes to create the vision we are divinely gifted for our lives, even when it asks us to grow beyond our fears.
This is our path with a heart. Our heart’s deepest desire that if pursued will lead us to make self-fulfilling choices. We then amplify our inner light step-by-step and lead by example as an inspiration for others.
The way of Nature, the Tao, continually teaches us to yield, to let go and open up to the unfolding transformation that is a constant in the river of Life. So softening the heart to love and acceptance is what’s in order for us. What a relief to release into this loving.
– Few Insights from featured writers –
Tanishka from shares:
“Leo asks us to be seen and heard. This full moon may illuminate how we play small in an effort to avoid unwanted negative attention.
When we play small we often hate those who are in the spotlight, make fun of those who dare live life large rather than confront our own fears around fulfilling our own potential. Usually for fear of measuring up to our own expectations that we project onto the outside world.
For example, have we not given ourselves permission to really be noticed for fear of being judged? Perhaps in the very same way we’re judging others.
As the moon waxes to full in Leo this week we may receive opportunities to shine, to put ourselves out there. We may also observe how we limit sharing our light by hiding our talents or avoiding taking risks due to a lack of confidence in ourselves.
Leo is ruled by the sun and the sun’s light is eternal. So when we are strong in the knowledge that who we are is an eternal divine spark, even though our physical form may transform we are beyond definition by what we do. This understanding frees us up to just BE who we are and express ourselves as we feel inspired to, without crippling self-doubt inhibiting our self-expression.
When our intrinsic self-worth and identity is not riding on how others perceive us or how well our efforts are received, we can enjoy taking risks knowing we will always learn from the experience, even if we don’t achieve the results we had hoped or anticipated.
Errors in judgement are inevitable. Mistakes are part of the learning process in any venture. If our inner light is strong, we don’t take it personally when we make mistakes but instead focus on how valuable the lesson is that we learnt.
Whereas if our inner light is weak, we tend to whip ourselves internally for not meeting our expectations. This implodes our inner sun like a black hole so we feel depressed. We then spiral down by seeking proof we’re a failure by comparing ourselves to others we see as being more successful in the area of our life where we feel we’ve failed. Once we get into a negative headspace fueled by diminished identity based on subconscious negative self-talk we start to look for and identify how we’ve failed in other areas of our lives.
This is a slippery slope that takes us into a very dark space that can be hard to get out of, like we’ve fallen into a pit. It can be really helpful to reach out to those who do see your light when you can’t see your own who, like the moon can reflect the light of the sun and remind you of all the positive qualities you exude but have overlooked in your internal eclipse.
So whether we feel like a failure regarding body image, net worth, relationship status, parenting, health, fertility, academic results or career recognition, the lesson is the same. Reconnect with the eternal light within you that is beyond definition and comparison.”
© Copyright 2021 Tanishka The Moon Woman
APRIL ELLIOT KENT from shares:
“it’s easier to be a satellite than it is to be the Sun. It’s easier to respond to what someone else is doing than to initiate action on your own.
“It’s easier to let someone else fill the conversational void so that you don’t have to come up with something to say, easier to yield the floor to someone than to claim it for yourself…
“And it’s not just easier – it’s safer. If you’re singing harmony with the world, you can blame the melody if people don’t like the song. If you’re creating what someone asks you to create instead of what your heart tells you to, you have someone to blame if people don’t like the finished product.
“If you don’t let the world see you, you can’t be rejected.
“So yes, it is safer and easier to be the satellite. But it’s not what you came here to do…
“There is only way to detach yourself from the gravitational pull of larger satellites, and that is to place yourself at the center of your own solar system. Be the one who sings the melody. Write your own stories.
“Tell a joke at dinner and risk having someone step on your punch line. Wear the quirky outfit that makes you feel beautiful. Cut your hair the way you like. Go after the job you want instead of settling for the one that’s offered. Choose the restaurant where you want to have dinner; order what you like.
“You may doubt it, but the Leo Full Moon has news for you: you are not a satellite, not a reflection of anyone else.
“You are the Sun, filled with your own light, golden and warming, spilling out around the edges when your guard is down.”
“When you laugh, your eyes sparkle. When you speak from your heart, you’re thrilling to behold. Just look at you.
“You are filled with your own light.”
© Copyright 2021 APRIL ELLIOT KENT
LENA STEVENS from says:
“If at any time you feel overwhelmed, go through this list of questions as a way to organize the management of what is on your plate, your priorities and distractions.
“What is my priority today? Why is it a priority?
“Does it make me happy or satisfied? Is it an important step or responsibility towards an authentic goal?
“What can wait until tomorrow? What can I delegate? Where am I distracted?
“What am I doing for myself today for self-care?
“What is unnecessary? Where am I being pressured and is it my responsibility? Where is the pressure coming from? Within or from the outside?
“What am I avoiding and why? What am I afraid of?
“What do I still need to complete, eliminate or clear out that is either a distraction or no longer serves me?
“Do I feel balanced? What is not being fed?
“What practices have I done today to help in my balance of inner and outer life? Where have I wasted time?
“What can I do today to raise my vibration and bring joy and beauty into my life?
“Keep an inventory of your answers and this map of questions will give you much clarity and help you to create a good management plan for what’s new, what’s old, what needs to change, what has changed, what is in transition, what is part of your inner life and what is part of your outer life.
© Copyright 2021 LENA STEVENS
Did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its Beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its Being.
We all remain
Too Frightened.”
– Hafiz from “The Gift”
– How the month shows up –
Take the time to focus on your own self management. Sometimes those in support positions for others will put themselves last and suffer for it.
Don’t forget to use your practices as well as to ask for help from your close friends when you need to.
Do not judge yourself when you fall off the wagon. Just reset and get back on.
This is an exciting month for relationships as you get to explore the new ones that have entered your life as well as do some deep work on changing patterns that have brought you less than desirable ones in the past.
Part of the discipline is having good boundaries around your personal time, taking care of your health and well-being.
Challenges this month will mostly be around feeling overwhelmed, scattered, out of sorts, exhausted one day, inspired and energetic the next.
Watch the adrenals, digestion and tension around the jaw, eyes and head.
Remember that you are now operating in a new landscape and new landscapes may require new architecture and new management…if a project or a new idea is really inspiring and it keeps raising your curiosity, follow the thread and take a risk especially if it feels right.
Anger, disappointment, frustration, aggression, despair are all negative vibrations that will never create anything good.
Focus instead on hope, love and the endless creative potential for the collective to manifest a positive future.The simpler your life is, the less to manage. Delegate what you can, release what you can, simplify what you can.
Surround yourself with people that are simpler to be around and make sure that your environment works in ways that supports you without effort.”
Wherever you are in the world, keep safe _/\_
Thank you so much for your continued love and support ♥♥♥
Blessed FULL MOON!
~ Hanan